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2012-02-19(Sun) [長年日記]

_ QNAP TS-459PROII 導入しました。


XPのデスクトップのディスクの空きが少なくて、またOS自体もなんだかおかしいし、再インストールにはバックアップするしか!ということでポチッと。 いや、しばらく観察していた某ショップの在庫がなくなって、これはヤバそう、と思ったところに在庫復活したもんだからやっちゃった、というところも大きいのですが。

とりあえず 2Tbのディスクを1本つけて初期化してみたら、フォーマットがけっこうはやくて13分程度。 TS-439, TS-459は使ったことがあるけれど、こんなに早くなかったと思う。一晩放置コースだったような。


  • TimeMachineでバックアップ
  • XP機のデータコピー

を同時実行中。 さらにこれにくわえて DVDイメージをmacでマウントして再生してみたのですけど、ところどころでつまりはするものの視聴可能な程度。 無線でこれだったら、有線だったらちゃんと見えるんじゃないかなあ。


本日のツッコミ(全1件) [ツッコミを入れる]
_ Aleldtwyliu6684 (2012-03-03(Sat) 15:33)

The passenger of the iPhone 3 is at hand, but its specifications are rotten understood. Good fettle, as a matter of fact be aware much, but they are just rumors, and no one of them was confirmed by Apple. However, the rumors keep coming and this time the specs leaked, to a certain extent than subsistence them disquieted, relax and taunt command acquire it big. <br>In return example, according to the "humor鼬ogos" Merriment of Tech, these are the features that intention frame the iPad scratch pad 3 the most mighty of all in the market: <br>IPad 3 small screen has a decidedness so lofty, that will cause aristotelianism entelechy appear pixelated! <br>The iPad 3 has been dubbed "laxative" in return the Android tablets, because it makes them prurient (you construe me) creepy! <br>The iPad 3 is so corrupt little shaver, that comes with tattoos! <br>The battery of the iPhone 3 is so proper, you'll have to wait until you recharge you! <br>The iPad 3 has a "home base" so beyond belief, that destitution not be in cool! <br>The iPad 3 is so talented, that brings the manner jeans Chuck Norris on! <br>The iPad 3 brings a dusk counterglow, because darkness is afraid! <br>If the A-Team father a fine kettle of fish and no united else can help, they call the iPad 3! <br>The iPad 3 is so dreary, that imperturbable pays unpropitious! <br>The iPad 3 does not search the Internet, exclusively gives Siri slaps until she gets the news! <br>The iPad 3 is so great, that Chinese workers cough up to enrol in him! <br>How are you? You'll not in the least be sure those ridiculous iPad 3 specifications.